Leaves rustle as the cloaked player sneaks past the deadly creeps and the assassin continues to stalk his prey. The opponent has invaded his jungle home and must be dealt with efficiently before they can start gaining a resource lead on the team.
He pops out, and the opponent, while distracted by the monsters in front of them, is attacked from behind. With nowhere to retreat, the champion attempts to deflect the attacks, but it is far too late for such menial defenses.
Death quickly overtakes the champion, and the assassin finishes off the monsters and collects the loot from them. As silently as he came, the assassin steps back into the shadows and goes to seek their next target.
Today you will learn about the role that the jungler player will have in a game such as League of Legends and other Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games. As esports bettors, it is well worth noting what exactly the jungler does, so that when you are evaluating a team you can understand their strength.
The jungler is the player that calls the middle of the map between the other lanes their home and has the mission of providing many different benefits to the team. Jungler style characters play an important role in the MOBA genre, and are critical to the success of a match.
Where the character known as the ADC or “Attack Damage Carry” is the backbone of the team, the jungler will be the glue that helps build and keep everything together. From killing enemies to scouting out important positions, the jungler will provide many important aspects to the game.
Almost all top-tier teams will have a designated player in this role because without one they will be fighting an uphill battle the entire match. It is imperative that we understand why this role is valuable and how it will impact our wagers.

The beginning parts of a game can be the most critical because it is where players will be racing to see who will be pushing the pace for the rest of the match. If one team gets a significant lead right at the start, then they will be able to get their carry player stronger and their teammates geared.
Here they will fight against the opposing teams jungler for supremacy over the middle of the map.
If the player manages to kill the opposing teams jungler, all the better. It will set their enemy back by having that player missing from the battle, waiting to respawn. The amount of time they are losing can give the opposing team an opportunity to get even stronger and become even more dominant.
NPCs in the middle will provide gold and experience to the player killing them, and is a great way early in the game to get gold. The player in the middle gets tasked with providing their teammates gold, so they can quickly get stronger.
The jungle is a critical area of the map. Whoever has control of the middle of the map will determine who can quickly amass the largest amount of resources first, and thus supply their team with more gold to grow their strength. Think of the jungler as the engineer in assembling a great weapon.
The engineer puts in the groundwork and finds every advantage that they can, so they can put out their designated product to decimate their opponents. The quicker and more effective a jungler is at their tasks, the faster they can help build up their carry and move towards victory.

Junglers are not just your standard little worker bees running around getting resources, but they are also the assassins of the team picking out targets to eliminate. They are often high damage dealing characters who can move around the map quickly.
One of the essential duties that the jungler has is the ability to pick off the enemy players who are foolish enough to ignore their surroundings. Whether a person is pushing too deeply into enemy territory or just trying to retreat to safety, the jungler may be stalking them and preventing their escape.
The jungler does not only stay within the middle area of the map but can pop out in any of the lanes and pounce on any unsuspecting hero with deadly efficiency. It does not matter what point of the game that it is, a well-executed kill can be very problematic for any team.
A few quick kills at the beginning can dramatically impact the ability of the opposing team to gather strength and provide teammates with early pushes to knock out towers. It will change how the enemy approaches the game because they will be on the defensive right away, all thanks to the jungler.
The further into the game, the higher the ramifications are when a player gets killed because they could be out of the fight for a solid few minutes. As the game progresses, the respawn timers for heroes increases, and anytime they are out of the game it puts their team further behind.
The jungler has a great ability to impact the strength of a lane and even before the initial team fight, can shape the battle by removing a potential player. One cannot dismiss the critical benefits that this role provides to the team and how truly important it is.
Your bets will get placed based on how a team works together overall, rather than being reliant on one specific player to be responsible for a win or loss directly. However, when you are determining who you want to place your wagers on, you are looking for any subtle hint of success.
Obviously, you’d rather not have a 50/50 chance when placing down your wager and would want to know which team is poised the best for a path to victory. Although every role is essential, understanding who is filling the jungler role may just give you that advantage you are seeking.

As bettors, understanding what makes a good jungler can be the difference on what team you want to place a bet. A player who is great in this role can shape a match quickly and will place their opponents on the defensive immediately.
Knowing whether a star player is currently involved in the game will change how you may bet.
It would be the same as if Tom Brady were not on the Patriots and there was a substitution for the entire game. That would impact how you would want to put down your wager because logically you would have accounted the Brady factor into your wagering equation.
The same concepts apply to esports when you are evaluating the players that are fulfilling their respective roles to determine whether you want to put down or adjust a wager. You won’t have long to make those decisions, so understanding who the best junglers are is a smart move.
That isn’t just knowing what esports player is great with a specific hero, but also how the actual hero plays in the game. There are continuous patches that change the mechanics of the game constantly and what was great a month ago, may be completely different now.
Remember, if you want to make educated wagers than it is important that you keep up to date with patches and know the changes that impact the game. The players you had the most confidence in may no longer be as strong as they once were.

The first few exchanges could determine who will have the obvious advantage and who is going to be king of the jungle. It becomes rather obvious if one player in the jungle decimates the other team’s designated person for that area and then proceeds to gank lanes. They are probably going to win.
Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean a team cannot recover and overcome said obstacles, but when you are live betting, these are the clear indications that one team now has an advantage over another. Other bettors aren’t blind to this fact, and when people get killed, it’s obvious who has an advantage.
That is why it is important to know what heroes counter others in the jungle role so that you place your bet while the odds are the best. Most MOBA’s allow for specific heroes to get banned during the initial picking phase, like a jury selection.
Teams are looking to eliminate characters that are obviously extremely powerful in their roles, and as professionals, they know exactly who they want in or out. As esports bettors, we don’t need to know every detail of the games necessarily, but we want to understand tactics.
That is a key advantage that esports bettors can have in the scene, where those who bring their knowledge will have a leg up. The knowledge expands from in-depth game knowledge to specific player research.
Having a deep understanding of gameplay that a hero is capable of or how an individual player might handle a specific role can be huge. If the bettor understands that before the bookmakers, it can be an optimal time to put a bet in.
Overall, there are a lot of important aspects to keep in mind when determining on what team you want to place your bet. No single role determines whether a team will win or lose and there is always the possibility of a great come back if players find themselves at a disadvantage.
Regardless, the role of the jungler has a huge impact on the beginning portions of the game and can be the difference between a strong or weak lead. Being able to tell if a team has a strong jungler player can be helpful in making that difficult decision on who to wager on.
Remember, bookmakers are learning about esports just as quickly as you are and because there are constant patches and changes to these games, they may fall behind at some points. If bookmakers fall behind on their update knowledge, they may be slow on closing live betting.
The slower the bookmakers are in closing the live betting, the more opportunity there is for the savvy bettors to make a killing on some good wagers. Esports is like all other forms of gambling where one must strike when the right opportunity presents itself.
If you are on top of your game with adequate betting research, then you have a far better chance to notice that opportunity. Remember, figuring out why a team may have a leg up may be the difference between winning and losing your wager. Always be vigilant.
The post How Understanding the Jungler Role Can Impact Your Wagers appeared first on GamblingSites.com.
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